Saturday, March 20, 2010

“It is difficult to me to forget you so much” – Meccano

Meccano is part of the sound-track of my life. Many of his songs are recorded in my memory. “It is difficult to me to forget you so much” she is one of the nicest:

“In defense of the fundamental rights of Internet”, ALWAYS

The government has approved the Law of Sustainable Economy. I think exactly the same that I wrote in December, when I was only a draft and there was a massive protest in the network. All the Net users we defend the same, independently of our ideology. The network is an ideology in itself. It is a fundamental right. Our right.

The government goes to cross-current, defends the interests of a few powerful ones and harms most of that we are in the network. A recent legal decision has established clearly that the P2P, or, the exchange of files and information between Net users, it is legal. With the Law approved today, how does Antonio Cambronero express in his blog, “For magic art it turns into crime what up to today it was not”

I copy the Manifesto again for the defense of the fundamental rights in Internet:

Before the inclusion in the Draft of Law of sustainable Economy of legislative modifications that they affect to the free exercise of the freedoms of expression, information and the right of access to the culture across Internet, the journalists, bloggers, users, professionals and Internet creators we show our firm opposition to the project, and declare that:

  1. The copyright cannot be located over the fundamental rights of the citizens, like the right to the privacy, to the safety, to the presumption of innocence, to the effective judicial tutelage and to the freedom of expression.
  2. The suspension of fundamental rights is and it must keep on being an exclusive competition of the judicial power. Not even a closing without judgment. This draft, against the established in the article 20.5 of the Constitution, puts in hands of not judicial organ - an organism dependent on the department of Culture - the power to the access to any web page prevent the Spanish citizens.
  3. The new legislation will create juridical insecurity in the whole Spanish technological sector, harming one of few fields of development and future of our economy, obstructing the business undertaking, introducing hobbles to the free competition and slowing down his international projection.
  4. The new proposed legislation threatens the new creators and obstructs the cultural creation. With Internet and the successive technological advances there has been democratized extraordinarily the creation and emission of contents of all kinds, which do not come already prevalentemente from the traditional cultural industries, but from multitude of different sources.
  5. The authors, like all the workers, have right to live of his work with new creative ideas, business models and activities associated with his creations. To try to support with legislative changes to an obsolete industry that he cannot adapt himself to this new environment is neither just nor realistic. If his business model was basing on the control of the copies of the works and in Internet it is not possible without damaging fundamental rights, they should look for another model.
  6. We think that the cultural industries need to survive modern, effective, believable and accessible alternatives and that are adapted to the new social uses, instead of limitations as disproportionate as ineffective for the end that they say to chase.
  7. Internet must work of free form and without political interferences protected by sectors that obsolete business models try to perpetuate and disable that the human knowledge keeps on being free.
  8. We demand that the Government should guarantee for law the neutrality of the Network in Spain, before any pressure that could take place, like frame for the development of a sustainable and realistic economy facing the future.
  9. We propose a real reform of the right of intellectual property faced to his end: to return to the society the knowledge, to promote the public domain and to limit the abuses of the managing entities.
  10. In democracy the laws and his modifications must be approved after the opportune public debate and having consulted previously to all the implied parts. It is not of receipt that there are realized legislative changes that they affect to fundamental rights in not organic law and that it turns on another matter.

Download Saturday Night Live S35E17 Jude Law/Pearl Jam free

Friday, March 19, 2010

“It extracts red card to the maltratador”

The violence male chauvinist is one of the worst marks that exist in our society. The Department of Equality has started the campaign Extracts red card to the maltratador. These wretches have no place between us and we must expel them:

If you are suffering maltreatment or know that some case calls to the phone 016. Do not doubt it.

More on violence male chauvinist in my blog.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dignity before the death, for law

The Andalusian Parliament approved yesterday of unanimous form the Law of rights and guarantees of the dignity of the person before the process of the death. The persons who want to die without pain and shorten his final agony they will be able to do it freely, protected by the law. We all know that the sedation realizes incurable patients long ago, although they devote themselves to criminalize some of hypocritical form to those who practise it, as there is the case of the doctor Luis Montes of the Hospital Severo Ochoa, whom the government of Hope Aguirre accused of bad praxis, although later the provincial Hearing of Madrid made well clear that there had been no aberration in his dealing to the patients. It is a question of Humanity, we are human beings and we have right to die of worthy form. The approval of this law simply puts in writing something that is already realized in all the hospitals of habitual form. Thanks to this law, in Andalusia we will be able to save ourselves sultry spectacles more proper of the Inquisition than of a constitutional state.

For the freedom in Cuba

Thanks to a post in the blog of Jose Luis Orihuela I find the blog Orlando Zapata Tamayo: I accuse the Cuban government. Also I accuse the Cuban government. The recent death of Orlando Zapata has not done any more that to reveal the situation that one lives in the island. There is no freedom of expression not of movement for those who think about form different from the government castrista. They are chased and silenced. Yesterday we had an example: the defenders of the dictatorship castrista burst the pacific march of the checkers of target, which were requesting the release from prison of the political prisoners in Cuba.

The Cuban journalist Guillermo Fariñas began a hunger strike after the death of Orlando Zapata. 4 years ago also he surrendered to a hunger strike as protest for the repression and the absence of freedom in his country.

Every time there are more the voices that rise against the attitude of the Cuban government, even some that in the past they supported the diet castrista. Several Spanish intelligentsia has added to the manifesto Por the freedom of the Cuban political prisoners, asking for his immediate release from prison:

For the freedom of the Cuban political prisoners

For the immediate and unconditional release from prison of all the political prisoners in the Cuban jails; for the respect to the exercise, the promotion and the defense of the human rights in any part of the world; for the decorum and the value of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, unjustly imprisoned and brutally tortured in the prisons castristas, dead person in hunger strike denouncing these crimes and the absence of rights and democracy in his country; for the respect to the life of those who run the risk of dying like him to prevent the government of Fidel and Raúl Castro from keeping on eliminating physically his critics and pacific opponents, condemning them to sorrow of up to 28 years of jail for “crimes“ of opinion; for the respect to the physical and moral integrity of every person; we sign this letter, and exhort to sign it to all those who have chosen to defend his freedom and the freedom of others.

If you want to adhere you can sign it here.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The administrations cannot yield to the blackmail

The “platform of stopped of Sherry” has taken the Town hall to demand an employment from the mayoress. Unfortunately it is not a Berlanga movie, it is something real that happens in our city. There are approximately 50 (0,15 % of stopped of the city). The mayoress, Pilar Sánchez, has declared “the whole world has right in this city to be evident. Today (per yesterday) I cannot receive them because I have the very tight agenda but tomorrow (per today) yes it is possible, there is no problem. And I will receive them all the times that it is necessary to have to explain to them everything what it should be necessary to have.” It seems correct to me that receives them, they are civil natives of Jerez de la Frontera and they have right to that his mayoress attends. But hence to demand an employment as if the Town hall was the office of the INEM …

The situation for which they are crossing many Spanish families (and Sherry is not an exception), it is really hard. The crisis is affecting all of us in major or minor measurement. I am in favor of that help measurements are encouraged for those who are spending it worse, but the administrations cannot yield to the blackmail of anybody because we would enter a very dangerous spiral. Whenever someone should need something it would go to be asked Dad that Town hall … is not serious. We are immersed in a dangerous dynamics where the "paguitas" and the subsidies are gaining area to the initiative and the individual responsibility.

To all this, the hypocrisy of the PP is model, as always. The speech of the PP in Sherry says that the unemployment is a fault of the mayoress, nevertheless, to 30 km of distance, in Cadiz, the popular mayoress Teófila Martínez says that the unemployment in his city is a fault of the Meeting of Andalusia and of the Central government. What do they have in common the mayoress of Sherry, the Meeting of Andalusia and the Central government? That are socialistic …

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pepe good-looking Griñán for Internet

This interview is the first one that there granted the president of the Meeting of Andalusia, Pepe Griñán, after being elected a General Secretary of the Andalusian Spanish socialist party. It did it to itself @Bomarzo, that was one of the numerous blogueros that came to tuitear and to narrate a Congress in which the social networks have been protagonists.

The support to Griñán was entire, it assumed the general secretariat with 99,8 % of the votes, while the new regional executive has obtained a support of 97,3 %. The only discordant note put it Paco González Hut, which he wanted to include too much and after being annoy the partridge ended up by giving the "espantá".

A clear example of the Internet importance in the new regional Griñán executive is the creation of the Secretariat of social networks and electoral action that there will direct Miguel Ángel Vázquez, who previously was taking charge of the Communication. The politics cannot already exist to the margin of the network and the new General Secretary of the SPANISH SOCIALIST PARTY seems to understand that to the perfection TO.

“I want to learn of you” – The singing of the madman

A beautiful ballad of The singing of the madman, “I Want to learn of you“:

I want to dedicate this song to the girls of the team of feminine basketball of Sherry Chajeba04, who yesterday achieved the most important victory and offered us a fantastic party in Guatemalan. To Lourdes, Ali, Sabina, Eva, Cristina …, to the whole team, so that they continue fighting and overcoming the difficulties. Certainly, the girls also have a group in Facebook.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Extraordinary Congress of the SPANISH SOCIALIST PARTY TO directly in the social networks

There is celebrated the Extraordinary Regional Congress of the Spanish socialist party of Andalusia. Pepe Griñán will be elected a General Secretary of the party, in replacement of Manolo Chaves.

There are many blogueros displaced to Seville that are counting directly what happens there across the social networks.

In twitter it is possible to continue and to transmit the Congress with the hashtag (tag) #psoeandalucÝa. Some of those who are tuiteando from there, in addition to the official twitter of @psoedeandalucía, are: @cdiazpines (partner of Sherry), @Mernissi, @netoraton, @mavazquezb, @schevi, @yoriento, @luissalvador

The Congress also can be still live for livestream, from the web of the SPANISH SOCIALIST PARTY TO, and also right here:

The neutrality of the network, gaffes and worrying coincidences

Yesterday there took place a series of events of that I want to leave steadfastness and that worry me. Everyone who interprets it as easily it could:

Google included Spain between the countries Internet censors although a few hours later it had to rectify. The denunciation of Google was sobredimensionada since it was based on the closing of two blogs, previously denounced, of his platform Blogger and therefore the rectification is logical.

Close to the midnight all the Phone companhy users, both in Spain and in Latin America, we remain without being able to gain access neither to Google or to any of his services, like the mail Gmail. Phone companhy has not declared itself on the happened yet. These are some of the reactions that have taken place in the network:

Also Twitter gathers opinions about the soap opera Google - phone companhy.

If all this we it prepare with the recent declarations of the president of Phone companhy on Google the intrigue it is served …

For the good of all, and especially, for the neutrality of the network, I hope that everything should to simple technical mistakes and coincidences of the life. At the moment Phone companhy has not said anything.

Certainly, today it is the world day against the censoring in Interne t, this network so greedy that many people want to control. Reporteros without borders has written the report Internet Enemy. Every time there are more the countries that want to control the network.

Here we are the privileged some if we compare ourselves with China, Cuba, Iran and other countries that practise the censoring in Internet. But we must remain attentive and defend that that keeps on being this way always. For a free and open network.

The importance of the information opened in Internet

In this video of Tim Berners-Lee who can turn in TED there is revealed the importance of the open information (open it dates) and the collaboration and participation in the network. Berners-Lee says that all the information and information that we should put in the network, of any type, will be able to be used in the future to realize wonderful things.

In the video it shows several project examples colaborativos of open information. The case of Open Street Map and the recent earthquake of Haiti. Open Street Map is a map colaborativo that allows to edit and use geographical information of the whole world. After the earthquake of Haiti the company GeoEye, it allowed to Open Street Map to use his visualization technology for satellite. It allowed to prepare in real-time a map of the refugee camps that was used by the rescue teams.

It is a clear example about what Tim Berners-Lee thinks: the technology has to be to the service of the humanity and not the other way round. Because a free and open network benefits us to all.

Friday, March 12, 2010

How to confuse the bacon with the speed, in the network

What little level! I feel shame for the document that the Spanish European presidency has sent to the Council of the European Union. SHAME. His title synthesizes to the perfection his intention: How to fight the violations of the intellectual property and the xenophobic and racist contents and of infantile pornography in Internet? I do not know who there will have been the person in charge of writing similar pamphlet. Enrique Dans believes that it must make it to itself about looking. The problem is that this document sends the Spanish Presidency, or that his last person in charge is the Government.

A paragraph of sample of the document:

The achievement of criminal activities by means of the Internet use has a particular influence and transcendency in case of the infantile pornography, as well as in the spread of xenophobic and racist ideas and in the violation of the intellectual property, conducts that, unfortunately, are not verified that they diminish.

To put in the same sack infantile pornography and violation of the intellectual property indicates a supine ignorance and a real disrespect to the Net users. As Santi Benítez says, to unload contents of the network is not a crime.

As for the infantile pornography, if they want to know how it fights, that wonder it Marcelino Madrigal, who in his struggle against the pederasts and the infantile pornography in the social networks, has seen as they were closing a page and two profiles in Twitter. I suppose that to fight against the big companies does not enter inside the targets of any government not of the European Union … It is easier to gag David than to fight against Giant.

In the rest of Europe the Spanish bulletin has not pleased too much. Network S@S and Quadrature du Net they have expressed a joint bulletin in which they denounce, between other things, that “the government does dull ears in favor of the lobbies of the cultural industry”.

The worst thing of everything is not small level and the ignorance of those who are promoting this nonsense on the network, but the pleased and interested concession of the Government. The people capable and experienced with wide knowledge on Internet exist. An example in the socialistic lines is deputy Lourdes Muñoz Santamaría, who defends the rights of the citizens as a key aspect to bear in mind in the legislation of the network. But since so many times it happens in politics, and for the sake of defending a few interests that are not those of the majority, we us stumble over Peter's beginning.

28-F: Day of Andalusia

Video of the Spanish socialist party of Andalusia to commemorate that 30 years ago most of Andalusians voted yes to the full Autonomy.

Twitter also celebrates on February 28 with the hashtag #diadeandalucia.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

RBS: The week in the network (20)

My weekly selection of what my partners have written in Network of Blogs Socialistas:
  • Albert Torra: Bellpuig “per l'autodeterminació” → declares that he will vote affirmatively to the pro-independence consultation.
  • Antonio Pulido: They are offending me → On the property declaration of the president of the Valencian Generalitat, Francisco Camps, that he does not believe it himself not.
  • Blanca Flores: S.O.S.: Carol Crisosto of Chile → help call to find Carol Crisosto, a Chilean activates in the blogosfera and the social networks, linked to the foundation of the ancient RBS, about which nothing is known from the day of the earthquake.
  • Carlos Rodríguez: Right to decide … → the law of the abortion, the right of the woman to decide and the incongrencias of the PP on this matter.
  • Helena Meler: Something forgets me … → Dependent on thunderstorm perfectly and his exaggerations …
  • Javier Caso: Those who ask for adjustments are those who are less ready to there sacrifice itself → The interest that there have those who receive high salaries in which the others we narrow the belt.
  • José Rosales: I condemn the diet castrista → It defends the Cuban revolution but he condemns the death of Orlando Zapata.
  • Juan Carlos Romero: Something we have harmed in the death of Orlando Zapata → We could have acted as a little more rapid, undoubtedly.
  • Miguel Álvarez: The suicide of the leaders → The conceit of the politicians and his loss of contact with the citizenship after several years in the power.
  • Paco Piniella: International amnesty → shows Us the video of the campaign Rightsholders of International Amnesty, for “empoderar to the victims and to give voice to the persons in danger”.
  • Rubén Cantón: The earthquake of Chile continued across Google Maps → For visionar all the points of the Chilean geography that have turned out to be shaken by the terrible earthquake.
  • Santi Benítez: We are fucked On the "unfortunate" document that I send the Spanish Presidency of the European Union to the member states mixing intellectual property with infantile pornography and xenophobia …
  • Tatiana Sánchez: This Friday … he quotes with Quique González → leaves to Us a video of singer Quique González, which I operate on Friday in The Port of Santa Maria.
  • Vicen ç Navarrese: The errors of the liberal politics Unlike what they preach the liberal means, writes Navarrese: "Spain has an enormous personnel deficit in the public services, and very especially in the services of the welfare state, of which, the elites mediáticas and politics is not conscious, since they use predominantly the private services.”

Update: Enrique Castro has established contact with the daughter of Carol Crisosto and has communicated to him that is hurt but alive. Good news from Chile in the middle of so many desolation.

The Internet state

Can anybody question the importance of the network yet?

(Video realized by Jesse Thomas. I have seen it in Mashable)

Prepare for the Fair (of Sherry)

Image designed by Miguel Ángel Mateo and seizure of the blog Prepare for the Fair

Prepare for the Fair it is the project of end of career that there has designed Miguel Ángel Mateo, student of Graphic design.

Last February 28, coinciding with the day of Andalusia, it presented the project in his blog. It has created a specific page: Prepare for the Fair where you can unload the different designs of the author: funds of screen and icons and to gain access to the questions game to know the prepared thing that you are for the Fair.

The project also is present in the social networks. It has profile in Twitter and a page in Facebook. There you can see the images of all the cartels of the Fair, there are authentic works of art.

Miguel Ángel has wanted to dedicate his project to his ground and to a holiday as emblematic as the Fair of the Horse. It looks like to me a magnificent idea and a nice way of promoting the city.

As he explains himself in his blog, also he designed some cartels for the Fair of the Horse of this year, although finally another cartel was chosen.

They stay 2 months for the Fair of the Horse of Sherry. To what waiting to prepare yourself?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The window of Gemma Nierga from Sherry

Gemma Nierga with Boris Izaguirre, initiating the program

The window of Gemma Nierga came yesterday to Sherry. It was expressed from the Museum of Harnessings of the Real Andalusian School of the Equestrian Art. I saw the live program along with my friend Alfonso, who left of tuitear not even a moment.

Gemma Nierga came to the museum after a walk along the city in carriage, along with Boris Izaguirre, Juan José Millás and the mayoress of Sherry, Pilar Sánchez. Gemma interviewed during the trajectory the mayoress and hizó allusion to the news that was known the previous day and that he confirms to Pilar Sánchez as candidate to the mayoralty in the next municipal elections. Something logical on the other hand, but that some “listillos interested parties” had doubted.

Already once in the museum, it began the program interviewing the Japanese pianist Mie Matsumura and his husband Javier Puga, the director of the spectacle “Andalusian Serenade”, that a few hours later they were going to present in the Theater Villamarta, in the frame of the Festival of Fleming that is celebrated these days in the city. There could not come Antonio Canales, who shares stage with the pianist.

Later there was a round table to speak about the recent floods in the rural Sherry districts and that they affected mostly to illegal housings.

Rosa Aguilar, adviser of public works of the Meeting of Andalusia was interviewed by Gemma and J. J. Millás. He complained about the current row stage between the different political parties and declared that if the politics is not done from the feeling it does not serve. He said that it had always been faithful to the same values and beginning and declared itself a believer, but to the margin of the ecclesiastic hierarchy of this country.

In the musical part, along with Joaquín Hurtado, Gemma interviewed Faly Chacón, ex-component of The Deblas, which became famous for the song “you are not a killer.

Then he had to speak about horses. Rafael Soto, Olympian ex-medalist of classic taming and teacher of taming of the Andalusian School of Equestrian Art was in charge of speaking about the School and about learning of the taming.

To finish, in the Millás contest, that this time had to answer “what excites me of Millás”, went out of between the public Rubén Rojas, the author of one of the histories who could read personally in front of the writer.

You can listen to the program in the web of the Chain Ser:

The first part

The second part

Third part

If you want to see more photos of the program I have raised Facebook.

In the Provincial Congress

Today there has been celebrated the extraordinary provincial Congress of the Spanish socialist party in Cadiz. There has been approved the management report of the regional executive and there have been chosen the delegates who will come to the extraordinary regional congress of next March 12-13 in Seville, where Pepe Griñán will replace Manolo Chaves as General Secretary of the Andalusian Spanish socialist party.

These are the delegates who will come to Seville (the list has been approved by 98,3 % of votes):

(clica on the image to see her bigger)

Between them there is Pilar Sánchez, General Secretary of the Spanish socialist party of Sherry and also mayoress of the city. The representation native of Jerez de la Frontera has been numerous, between delegates and invited, not in vain it is the group with major number of militants of the province of Cadiz.

I have been able desvirtualizar to Paco Piniella, native of Cadiz and partner bloguero of Network of Blogs Socialistas:

And I have done some photos more that you can see in this presentation (with some finishing touch):

Hope Aguirre and Albert Boadella in “Poland“

This is what happens in Poland if we join to Hope Aguirre, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, Shakespeare, Lina Morgan and Albert Boadella. A miscellany esperpéntica:

reside about “Hope Aguirre is Lina Morgan“, posted with vodpod

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

International day of the Woman: for many things

Drawing of J. Howard Miller

It stays very much still to obtain the full equality between men and women. That's why we claim the International Day of the Woman. For many things:

  • Because we keep on charging less than the men to equal work.
  • Because we live in a society male chauvinist in the one that if a man goes well together with many is a male and if a woman goes well together with a few she is a prostitute.
  • Because there are great the women who die murdered by his couples, victims of the violence MALE CHAUVINIST (that not of genre).
  • Because the society keeps on accepting like something normal that the woman takes the weight of the domestic tasks and the care of the children.
  • Because we are neither stereotypes nor models of anything, this are what gives us the desire and point.

The list might be endless, you can continue it in the comments if you want. The true thing is that, although we have advanced enough, a lot of way stays for covering. The Spanish presidency of the European Union starts today the European Observatory of Violence against the Women. Because this mark does not know borders. This observatory is born on the initiative of a woman, the Minister of Equality Bibiana Aído, while another woman, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, believes that it would be necessary to eliminate the Department of Equality. Two very different women with opposite visions of the reality.

I am glad about the recent approval of the Law of Sexual and Reproductive Reproduction and of the Voluntary Interruption of the Pregnancy. Some of them have gone out to the street to be evident in against. The majority “the people of good, of religious education and daily mass“, although nobody would say it therefore it was going out of his mouths. I do not know because they get angry this way. If they want to have 20 children they can have them, but if they decide to abort already they will not have to go to London as formerly. Moan this hypocrisy …!

To end, I dedicate to all the women an appointment of my favorite writer:

“There is neither barrier, lock nor bolt that you could impose to the freedom of my mind”. (Virginia Woolf)

Other articles related in my blog:

  • International day of the Woman: Virginia Woolf in the memory
  • International day of the Woman

RBS: The week in the network (21)

This is my weekly selection of what my partners have published in Network of Blogs Socialistas:

  • Albert Torra: Altre cop, Bellpuig there is estat solidari!!! → Us he reports on the success of the campaign of blood donation in his municipality.
  • Antonio Pulido: There does not know the reality → The defense of the public health on the part of the citizens of Getafe and the attempt of draining the bundle of Hope Aguirre and his adviser.
  • Blanca Flores: Socialistic Cadiz and the Provincial Congress → One of the authors of the missing person blog Socialistic Cadiz, José Berasaluce, supports that it is necessary to park the differences and he trusts that produces a renewal to himself in the Andalusian Spanish socialist party of the hand of Griñán.
  • Carlos Rodríguez: Prejudices and myths of the violence against the women → It Describes the absurd and completely false topics that some of them keep on supporting on the violence against the women.
  • Enrique Castro: The information means scandalize of his lordships "tertulianas" The hypocrisy of the mass media, which they support to salary to an enormous tertulianos quantity, while at the same time they criticanpor it.
  • Helena Meler: Not only money question → As it shows us the campaign of International Amnesty, the dignity is, first of all, a human rights question.
  • Javier Caso: Or the Spanish socialist party begins being what must be or it will not be at all → He reflects on the need that the Spanish socialist party leads progressive politics again instead of taking more proper measures of a party of rights.
  • José Rosales: Your prostitute is going to arrange this mother he-goats! → It Is quite clear that José has not liked at all the campaign of the Chambers of commerce “This only we arrange it between all”.
  • Juan Carlos Romero: The CEOE and his contracts of slavery Soble the shameful proposal of a contract for young people realized by Díaz Ferrán.
  • Miguel Álvarez: The tremendismo of the PP → The party of not and his systematical opposition to everything what it avenges of the Government, and more now when they are large for the surveys.
  • Paco Piniella: Cuba fractures the Left → The recent death of Orlando Zapata has had diverse interpretations in Izquierda Unida, as it gets rid of what they have written in different blogs.
  • Rubén Cantón: Fascism in the UAB → The sultry spectacle of a few niñatos that confuse freedom of expression with fascism.
  • Tatiana Sánchez: The declaration of Cordova → 500 women of different ambiences of the civil society ask the Holy See to stop having privileges and right to vote in the UNO.
  • Vicen ç Navarrese: The wages in Spain → It Defends that the descent of the productivity and the low wages are not attributable to the rigidity of the labor market, but to the speculation of the real estate industry and the banks.